Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pancakes, Playdough and Paper Plates

Sunday's are pancake day...or syrup day depending on who you are:)

Tried out a new playdough recipe: Hair Conditioner and Corn Starch. It worked and was so soft and smooth, the girls loved it!!!

It's stinkin' HOT today and we stayed in most of the day, so a second craft was in order....Paper Plate flowers

Which turned into Paper Plate masks and Flower kitty-cat hats! I love seeing where their creativity takes them:)

And "The People Puzzle" makes for lots of fun imaginative play...they played together all morning with no fighting!!! 

Did you notice the desk? My awesome hubby built it a couple of weeks ago and I finally added the shelf and organized all our stuff. The girls like it and I LOVE how functional and cute it is:)

Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July

"Can we do fireworks now?".  "Can we have ice cream now?". "How about now?", "NOW?" The girls were on a mission today for sparkles and sugar! Our day started with a mini bear parade courtesy of Charlotte:
And continued with an early day trip to the playground. These kids would have stayed on the swings all day if Mama would have kept pushing them! They eventually figured out the rest of the playground is fun too and Charlotte made it across the monkey bars for the first time...she was SO proud of herself!!! I was proud of her too:)

We tried passing time with a Patriotic craft: Firework Wands

And dinner outside in the sunshine:

And FINALLY the ice cream!!!!

We lit off a few fireworks of our own...they look confused.....

It's now 9:30 pm and yes, this mean Mama bathed her children and made them go to bed while the real party is just getting started outside:) Well, I'm sorry but I was invited to a party old, super soft, stretched out pregnancy sweatpants and The Golden Girls are meeting me on the couch for a little quit time!!! I'm pooped!!!